Solar professionals made in Zambias
The Green People’s Energy project in Zambia commences its implementation with the inception workshop with all stakeholders on 25 and 26 November.
On 25 and 26 November 2020, the GBE project in Zambia invited all implementing partners to a joint planning workshop in Chongwe. Representatives of the policy partner, the Ministry of Higher Education, and its downstream Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA), as well as representatives of vocational schools, the University of Zambia, and the private sector participated. The aim of the workshop was to draw up a concrete schedule of activities and timetable and to allocate specific work packages. During the workshop, the needs of the solar industry in Zambia were discussed. The identified needs will be incorporated in the development of the vocational training courses for solar technology in order to train solar professionals who are well prepared for the local labour market.
GIZ is implementing the project in Zambia together with highly motivated partners from education, society, and the private sector on an equal footing and, with the Ministry of Secondary Education and TEVETA, has an excellent structure for the successful introduction of the new solar courses. The developed curricula will be used in vocational schools from 2021 onwards. The curricula will be specifically geared towards decentralized solar energy solutions that can be used in irrigation, cooling, pumping, and milling in rural areas, among others. With well-trained solar professionals and solar equipment adapted to the needs of the farmers, the energy supply for the rural population will be improved.
If you want to learn more about the project in Zambia, click here.