The 9 Focus Countries of the Initiative
The nine focus countries are: Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, Uganda and Zambia.
Featured Projects
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Solar thermal energy improves hygiene in healthcare centres
| Benin
A hot-water supply through solar energy ensures hygienic maternity care in health centres.
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Solar pumps provide Nama population with water access and year-round agriculture
| Namibia
By using solar pumps on broken wells, Nama farmers in the Maltahöhe region regain access to a regular water supply.
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Solar drying for coffee beans
| Kenya
Using solar drying systems, Kenya’s coffee farmers can improve the quality of the beans, reduce labour input and achieve higher prices.
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Water hyacinths – from pest to resource
| Ethiopia
Water hyacinths threaten the biodiversity of African lakes – but local residents can also obtain biogas and fertiliser from them.
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Solar power helps women increase their agricultural yields
| Benin
Solar-powered light, water and machinery will help women in the communities of Thian Worou and Tantaga to process various agricultural products.
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Solar energy increases local value-creation by women
| Senegal
Thanks to the expansion of a mini-grid, entrepreneurs in Senegal can really get going.
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Biogas saves women time and makes them more independent
| Benin
A biogas plant in the village of Kontoubarou enables cooking without firewood while producing ecological fertiliser for agriculture.
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Equipping school canteens and health centres with water pumps and solar-powered refrigerators
Renewable energy can greatly benefit social institutions, by powering refigeration or water access in medical centres and schools.
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Refugee shelters need sustainable solar solutions
| Uganda
Clean electricity for refugee families in Uganda
Through approximately 330 savings communities in refugee shelters and host communities, ZOA aims to promote the market for sustainable solar solutions.
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Solar pump boosts yields of women’s co-operative
| Senegal
Solar irrigation provides a women’s co-operative with a permanent solution to improve their living conditions.
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Electrifying San communities with solar energy
| Namibia
Decentralised PV systems will improve the livelihoods of a nomadic San community and highlight the role of women in it.
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A mobile training centre teaches young people about the potential of solar technology
| Namibia
Clean electricity for refugee families in Uganda
Through approximately 330 savings communities in refugee shelters and host communities, ZOA aims to promote the market for sustainable solar solutions.