Renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency measures play a decisive role in the development of local, decentralised and sustainable energy supply systems.
It is precisely in these fields that many professionals and (former) students from Africa were and are being trained at German training centres, universities, technical colleges or similar institutions. Thanks to their experiences in Germany they have an outstanding potential to act as designers and multipliers for the development of decentral renewable energy in their home countries.
The initiative Green People’s Energy for Africa will therefore support the establishment of an alumni network and platform for African alumni:
The Alumni Network and Support for African Professionals (ANSAP) is implemented by RENAC energy & climate gGmbH and shall facilitate connections among people, ideas and knowledge in the field of renewable energy for Africa.
Homepage of the alumni network: RENAC – The Renewables Academy AG | Alumni Network Gruene Buergerenergie
To directly get to the registration form and join the network click here.