GBE Uganda collaborates with GIZ ProEnergie to bring Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) Training to Togo

GBE Uganda collaborates with GIZ ProEnergie to bring its newly developed training manuals on solar powered irrigated horticulture to Togo. By using synergies and combining efforts, the two projects hope to contribute to an increased uptake of this renewable energy technology among rural farming communities.
Through its Technical Training and Skills Development project component, GBE Uganda develops trainings and curricula for decentralized renewable energy technologies and improves the capacities of technical teachers and users on their design, installation, and maintenance. Most recently, this included the development and launch of GBE Uganda’s training manuals for Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS). The manuals and the corresponding training sessions aim to improve the capacity of end-users, such as farmers and members of agro-cooperatives, as well as technicians to increase the adoption of solar water pumps for vegetable production in Northern Uganda.
In collaboration with GIZ ProEnergie , the manuals are now also brought to Togo. Irrigated horticulture is becoming increasingly popular in Togo. The country´s savanna climate bares similarities with the climate in Northern Uganda, such as seasonal rain falls, pronounced dry seasons, and a growing negative impact of climate change on rainfall patterns. Despite efforts of the Togolese government, there are still significant knowledge and skill gaps – both among system designers and technicians, as well as farm users – that need to be addressed to foster uptake of solar powered irrigation and good practices.
“The manuals developed by GBE Uganda hence fill a crucial gap and fit well into the local context in Togo. As a starting point, ProEnergie is partnering with the NGO ‘Centre de Formation et Insertion des Jeunes au Togo’ (CFJT, Centre for the Training and Insertion of Youth in Togo) to establish a demonstration and training center near the town of Sokodé where translated versions of the two manuals will be used. It is expected that other NGOs and model farms will also take up the same curriculum.” said Valentin Hollain, Technical Advisor, ProEnergie in Togo.
“Through these kinds of synergies, we are able to collectively combine efforts, experiences and resources as GIZ towards our contribution to Sustainable Development Goals 7, 4 and 1,” said Lukia Nabawanuka, Energy Advisor, GBE Uganda.
The manuals are available for download here: