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Green People’s Energy for Africa – Senegal

Green People’s Energy (GBE) is an initiative created by the German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development which offers citizens of Sub-Saharan Africa innovative technical and financial support for the acquisition of decentralized renewable energy systems, and in particular photovoltaic systems. The initiative aims to support the supply of electricity for productive use, as well as for social institutions in rural areas, through the involvement of local actors and private investors, in order to improve livelihoods and household incomes.

GBE is implemented in nine countries across Sub-Saharan African, including Senegal, where the promotion of the use of solar technologies in value chains (agriculture, livestock, fishing, etc.) has been a priority. In collaboration with private and public partners, we develop sustainable projects, strengthen partnerships between Europe and Africa, and train citizens in the deployment of solar technology on a national scale. In Senegal, Green People’s Energy will, among other things, help populations improve their living conditions by using renewable energy technologies in income-generating activities. Businesses and private entrepreneurs will be encouraged to improve the quality of their services and products. In addition, GPE will support social institutions in the acquisition of decentralized renewable energy systems.

EthiopiaBeninCôte d’IvoireGhanaMozambiqueNamibiaZambiaSenegalUganda

Did you know that…?

…about 36% of Senegalese households do not have a connection to the electrical grid?

… more than 56% of the population in Senegal’s rural areas do not have access to electricity?

… more than half or 53.3% of people living in Senegal live in rural areas?

… off-grid electrification is a political priority for the government of Senegal, which is committed to achieving universal access to electricity by 2025?

How we work

To attain its objectives, Green People’s Energy Senegal will work in close collaboration with existing GIZ programs who are already active on the ground in the field of renewable energies, in particular the country measure of the Energizing Development (EnDev) global program, as well as the Sustainable Energy Program (PED) and other bilateral projects. Thereby, we will build on the experience acquired by these programs in the field of productive use of energy, among other expertise and experience, in order to implement our approaches quickly. The target groups of the project in rural Senegal are businesses, cooperatives and social institutions. Through training and coaching, Green People’s Energy Senegal plans on strengthening the business management skills of players who are either island network users, or who have themselves invested in off-grid solar systems. Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) companies and cooperatives planning projects in the field of productive use will also be provided support in the development of projects and in the preparation of the necessary documents for loan application. In order to improve the framework conditions for the productive use of decentralized renewable energy systems, measures are taken to network the concerned actors.

Practical Experience

In Senegal, Green People’s Energy intends to continue the positive accumulated experiences of the Energizing Development (EnDev) global program and the bilateral Sustainable Energy program (PED).

EnDev, through its Rural Electrification component, has supported the electrification of several villages through hybrid mini-power plants (solar/diesel), individual solar systems (SHS), and connection to the medium-voltage network. Suitable individuals selected from villages were trained by the program as maintenance technicians to ensure basic daily maintenance of the equipment.

By enabling the productive use of energy in these villages through connection to the mini-grid or electrified by individual systems, income-generating activities can be developed.

The Sustainable Energy Program has developed pilot activities that can be scaled up through private initiatives and financing through the banking sector.


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