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An irrigation system on wheels

The productive use of energy combined with innovation plays a crucial role in promoting rural industrialisation. Through the efficient and sustainable use of energy resources, rural communities can unlock their economic potential and promote local opportunities.

A farmer’s tale

Bobby Gyesi co-founded and runs SGA Farms in Ghana. With support from Green People’s Energy, the farm bought a solar irrigation system for CO2-free watering – all year round. His farm is now one of 82 in Ghana that tell the tale of renewable energy. His message: Access to further financing is crucial.

Decentralizing energy – for more gender equality

Women are key to the spread of decentralized renewable energy. More needs to be done to develop their competencies and skills. Green People’s Energy supports women in their development in various ways to promote a gender-sensitive change process in society.

Solar irrigation in Ethiopia

Facing climate change, smallholders need to keep irrigation costs low and conserve precious water resources. In Ethiopia, Green People’s Energy initiated a pilot with local partners that does both.

Solar improves conditions in rural Ghana

In Ghana, over 90,000 people in rural areas now benefit from solar infrastructure built in the past three years – with the support of the Green People’s Energy project.

Grants for farmers and small businesses

In Namibia, the Green People’s Energy programme for results-based financing (RBF) has enabled 44 rural businesses and farmers to buy solar tech for productive use. The results show communities are open to decentralized renewable energy.

PAYG mobilizing credit for technologies

As Green People’s Energy is exploring in western Africa, mobile payments based on the pay-as-you-go model show potential for opening the market for renewable energy products and services. They can also improve business and living conditions for rural populations.

Green People’s Energy for Africa

The initiative Green People’s Energy for Africa  of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) was launched in 2017 and aims to facilitate, expand and secure the supply of sustainable energy in rural Africa. It relies on the broad participation of small and medium-sized enterprises, municipalities, cooperatives, public associations and citizens.

EthiopiaBeninCôte d’IvoireGhanaMozambiqueNamibiaZambiaSenegalUganda

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Focus topic

Local energy for sustainable communities

Promoting local energy is key to optimising energy systems. Through energy projects, local communities can become less dependent on external energy sources and use their own resources. This not only creates economic benefits, but also strengthens social responsibility and cooperation. Green People’s Energy supports communities to take control of their energy supply and develop sustainable solutions.