Call for promoting Renewable Energies in Africa

Do you want to help improve life in
in Africa’s villages?
You want to put renewable energies even more
into the focus of your work?
Perhaps you are already cooperating
with a local community or project?
You are involved in the knowledge
exchange on the subject of renewable
energies with African organisations?
Then a call from Green People’s Energy can be an interesting opportunity for you to expand your engagement in sub-Saharan Africa.
We are looking for European actors in the energy transition such as municipalities, educational institutions, cooperatives, non-governmental organisations, associations, or companies.
We want to gain an overview of partnership concepts between European and African actors and publish these findings in the publication Partnerships with Africa – Lessons Learned from Cooperation on equal footing (Partnerschaften mit Afrika – Lessons Learned aus Kooperation auf Augenhöhe).
Moreover, this first step of a market survey might be followed by a competitive procedure (call for tenders).
Interested? – Then briefly introduce yourself to us!
More details here.