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FeatureSDG 17

Launch of energy advisory support for cooperatives

In celebration of the International Day of Cooperatives, Green People’s Energy informed local cooperatives in Uganda about the various possibilities of using renewable energies, and to launch an energy advisory support initiative. The German Cooperatives and Raiffeisen Union (Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e.V.; DGRV) supports the initiative. Together, the partners offer cooperatives individual advisory packages.

The 99th International Day of Cooperatives on the 3rd of July 2021 was held under the global theme “Rebuild Better Together“. It aimed to showcase how cooperatives are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic with solidarity and how they offer communities a people-centered approach to recovery.

In Uganda, the Uhuru Institute for Social Development used the day to focus on energy cooperatives and discuss their specificities and opportunities. “Many Ugandans are not aware of existing energy cooperatives that provide electricity in rural areas, contribute to income-generation opportunities, and also contribute to climate change mitigation” said representatives of the institute.

But how can cooperatives and local communities use renewable energies productively? Which technologies are suitable for irrigation and which ones for processing agricultural products? The representatives of cooperatives had more than enough questions. The team of GBE Uganda answered them all and also presented to the participants an advisory package that GBE Uganda, together with DGRV and numerous Ugandan partners, offers to cooperatives.

For the selected cooperatives, this will include free-of-charge tailored technical advice and guidance on solar power investments that can improve power supply and reduce power costs of cooperatives’ productive uses and boost their productive use of electricity. As needed, cooperatives will also be supported with project financing.

With this offer, DGRV and GBE Uganda want to raise awareness among cooperatives about the potential of renewable energies. With the advisory package, cooperatives can set out to reduce their electricity costs and increase their productive use of electricity.

DGRV is engaged in Uganda to strengthen the cooperative sector and the community organizing model. International Cooperative Day has been celebrated by cooperatives around the world since 1923. The day aims to raise awareness about cooperatives and promote the movement’s ideas of solidarity, economic efficiency, and equality.