We mourn the death of Josef Göppel
* 16 August 1950 – † 13 April 2022
Green People’s Energy mourns the death of Josef Göppel, BMZ Special Representative for Energy in Africa, who passed away unexpectedly in the night of 13 April 2022. Josef Göppel was a convinced environmentalist who had made supplying rural regions with decentralised renewable energy his life’s work. He combined environmental and climate protection through renewable energies with a passion for equitable development opportunities. Pursuing these, especially in rural Africa, through direct support of Africans and energy cooperatives of disadvantaged local groups was an important concern for him, which he advanced with his characteristic persistence, great commitment, and wealth of ideas. Direct dialogue was always very important to Mr Göppel, so, he could get to know the needs first hand.
The African continent was very close to Josef Göppel’s heart throughout his life, and he willingly made his experience in the field of sustainable energy supply available on many trips there. The many partnerships that came into being on his initiative are a great potential for the future in German-African cooperation. In direct dialogue with the local rural population, he was always eager for an exchange at eye level. We as Green People’s Energy are losing a valued supporter and partner for our work.