Framework set for sustainable bioenergy in Côte d’Ivoire

With 1,200 million tonnes of biomass annually, Côte d’Ivoire has excellent potential for bioenergy production. Against this background, the most important actors in this sector discussed the proposed National Bioenergy Action Plan and formulated trade recommendations. The meeting was organised by the Ministry of Energy together with Green People’s Energy.
From the 6th to 8th of July 2021, actors from the private and public sector dealing with bioenergy discussed the development of the biomass potential in Côte d’Ivoire, the resulting opportunities and the policy and regulatory framework for the development of this sector. In the historic city of Bassam, the country’s first capital, participants discussed the national action plan for bioenergy and the preparatory document for the bioenergy code.
“With our workshop, we brought many of the most important actors in the sector to the table, discussed the essential issues with them and jointly formulated recommendations for actions,” said Nathalie Weisman, Head of GBE in Côte d’Ivoire.
GBE organised the meeting together with the Ivorian Ministry of Energy. Recommendations from the workshop included the harmonisation of all international and national laws in the field of bioenergy, the involvement of rural populations in the national strategy and the coordination of activities and skills between the different actors.
“With the results, the Directorate General of Energy can advance the promotion of bioenergy at the national level and consolidate relations with stakeholders in the context of the Ivorian energy crisis,” said Nathalie with satisfaction. The cooperation between the Ivorian Ministry of Energy and GBE aims to improve the framework conditions for renewable energy in Côte d’Ivoire.
Background: According to a study on the potentials of renewable energies in the Ivorian agro industry (German), by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), the initial conditions for the sustainable use of bioenergy in Côte d’Ivoire are excellent. A total of about 1,200 million tonnes of biomass are produced. According to a report by the BMWi, this potential is still insufficiently utilised. However, there are already some companies that cover their own electricity needs from biomass.