Call for Manifestation of Interest: Support in Access to Finance for Productive Use Renewable Energy Projects

GBE offers access to finance consulting for local productive use renewable energy project developers. The Call for Manifestation of Interest is open until Feb. 28, 2021.
Coaching and Support in Access to Finance
To assist project developers in mobilizing investments for their decentralized productive use renewable energy projects in rural areas of Senegal, GBE Senegal collaborates with GET.invest (a European Program that encourages renewable energy investments) and local consultants, with proven experience in financial and managerial coaching.
The Call for MoI seeks to receive productive use renewable energy project proposals in rural areas of Senegal. After analysis of all the applications received, the best 4 project proposals will be linked to GET.invest for 1:1 consulting on financing options, the development of project documents to the expectation of financiers and support in negotiations with financiers for project proposal deposition with a bank. Additional applicants will be selected for access to finance support and consulting through a local consultant. The consulting services are fully funded through GBE. Though, neither GBE, nor the consultants provide any guarantee for the granting of financing, only for the support and consulting thereto.
Terms of participation
Projects related to productive use of decentralized renewable energy in off-grid zones in Senegal, that are proposed by a non-public entity are eligible to apply. Applicants must be a cooperative (agricultural, cattle-farming, fishing etc.), a renewable energy enterprise, an NGO or another local private entity that is since no less than 1 (one) year established in Senegal. They are invited to propose a renewable off-grid energy project which supports the growth and improvement of the commercial activities of the project developer or its beneficiaries and that demands no less than 150.000 Euro in external investments. All application criteria along with the documents to submit can be found here. The Call for Manifestation of Interest remains open until February 28, 2021. GBE invites all eligible and interested entities to apply.