Improving health care for 27,000 people

15 rural health centres in the regions Thiès and Fatick are receiving solar energy for refrigerators and other applications. GBE Senegal, in cooperation with the NGO Eau Vive, is also training their personnel for the maintenance of the solarsystems and supports to the set up of a solar lamp rental service to ensure the generation of revenue for the long-term operation of solar systems.
In many rural areas of Senegal, access to basic health care is hampered, one reason among others is the absence of electricity. However, especially in times of a Pandemic, access to well-equipped health centres with refrigerators to store medicines and vaccines is more important than ever.
Therefore, and in collaboration with the non-governmental organisation Eau Vive, GBE Senegal is supporting the equipment of 15 health facilities with a solar refrigerator, internal electrical equipment and a solar kit consisting of panels, a battery and an inverter. Each health facility will also receive portable and rechargeable solar lamps. These lamps will be used to set up a rental service for neighbouring residents, in order to generate income for the long-term financing of the maintenance and upkeep of the solar installations. The chosen approach, foresees increased access and sustainable improvement of health care services for 27,000 inhabitants in the communities of Fimela, Fissel and Ndiaganiao.
GBE Senegal recently trained 37 employees from these health centres, thereof 18 women, in the operation and maintenance of solar systems. The trainings covered various topics such as the specifics of small-scale solar systems, the roles and responsibilities of health facilities, mobilising financial resources to maintain these targeted facilities, and basic financial management. Further training sessions form part of this project, in order to ensure that the managerial committees of all the supported health centres are well prepared to manage the solar systems and the portable lamp rental service long-term.